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In 2011, Google introduced Panda to the world. Panda is what they call the change to the Google’s search results ranking algorithm. According to Wikipedia, the intention was to “lower the rank of ‘low-quality sites,’ and return higher-quality sites near the top of the search results. CNET reported a surge in the rankings of news websites and social networking sites, and a drop in rankings for sites containing large amounts of advertising.”

In 2012, Google updated Panda by introducing the Penguin. According to Wikipedia, “the update is aimed at decreasing search engine rankings of websites that violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines by using black-hat SEO techniques such as keyword stuffing, cloaking, participating in link schemes, deliberate creation of duplicate content, and others.”

But wait. SEO is bad? Only when it’s done badly. Crafters of high-quality websites (those that include good design, trustworthiness, speed, and the likelihood of return visitors) use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so search engines (like Google) will rank them highly; therefore, encouraging more visitors, which means more opportunities to make sales (yes, Money!).

That’s all well and good, but how do you get your viewers to make purchases from your website? The animals at the Google Zoo increase your chances when you have above-the-fold SEO. The next thing is this: Your website has to work effortlessly. Its design must be the ultimate model of quality over quantity…no more poor user experience! This means matching the content of your website to what your customers are looking for. Avoid filling it with disparate articles, links, likes, etc. Doing so will get you better rankings in the search engines, an improved reputation among your customers, more customers, and, more income.

If you want to use SEO at the Zoo to make more money, collaborate with a web development firm with a long-standing business and years of experience to produce beautiful and functional web design that has engaging, carefully crafted content to sell your products and services.

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