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Learn what steps you can take to prepare a flexible dynamic web presence now at an affordable cost instead of waiting for a much more costly conversion down the road.

The Landscape

Rapidly evolving internet technology and mobile devices (smart phones and tablets) now accounting for a quickly growing portion of web traffic are compelling reasons to have a good plan in place for the dynamic evolvement of a web presence.

A good part of a web evolvement plan is laying a good foundation. This is where dynamic web frameworks come into play. And a PHP based framework is a great way to go.

Hosting platforms supporting PHP (and MySQL) are pretty much the most popular on the web. They’re Open Source, robust, reliable and cost effective. And there are many PHP based frameworks to choose from (Zend Framework, CakePHP, Yii just to name a few). And most of the more popular ones readily support the usage of the latest web app and database technologies.

What the framework provides

These frameworks allow for rapid development and incremental improvements to a website. There’s no reinventing the wheel with so much built into the frameworks. Things such as:

– Mobile Device detection
– Multi-lingual – dynamic translation of content on the fly.
– Runtime layout change based on some pre-set parameters (think seasonal promotions)
– Runtime meta data configurations – automatically change your search engine rankings because your site changes based on season.
– Social Media Integration
– Database driven content based on your data entry (e.g. 10% off this Monday only)
– Easy plugin additions as the site evolves – add user logins, email templates, etc.


So don’t wait. The goal of evolving to where content can quickly be changed (promotions/seasonal) or targeting the mobile user is a known quantity and needed now. Look into moving onto a dynamic framework today.

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