In Blog, Internet Marketing, Social Media

Every digital marketer is aware of the ever-expanding choices in platforms and media types for reaching potential customers. It can truly be overwhelming, and finding any strategy to help sort through all the messy options to get a greater ROI is always a plus.

One of the best approaches for businesses that target a wide range of demographics is to use Generational Marketing. 

What is Generational Marketing?

Generational Marketing is simply targeting potential customer demographics by generation, using the most appropriate media types and messaging on the specific platforms those individual demographics gravitate to. Think of it as segmenting your target audience by generation and then seeking them out on the specific platforms (or channels) they are most likely to be found.

Understanding Generation Segmentation

More than any other time in human history, people have the ability to communicate with each other. Because of the internet, they are no longer hundred by distance, time, or even how they communicate. There is a seemingly endless myriad of devices, social platforms, and digital channels and, over time, each generation became most comfortable with what was available to them as they entered the digital landscape.

There are currently five different generations that are targetable on the internet: the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. Each generation entered the digital age at different points and via different channels and platforms. Each generation also has its own world view, comfort zone, vernacular, social norms, and fondness for familiar products and services. Taking all this into account, you can see how segmenting and targeting by generations can be both meaningful and effective. 

Why is Generational Marketing So Important?

If you are not segmenting by generation when targeting a wide audience, you may be wasting valuable resources by using the wrong messaging to wide swaths of your reach. Older potential customers are unlikely to be responsive to the same messaging that appeals to younger generations and vice versa.   

Even if you have that messaging down, if there is a specific age group you are targeting and you are not on an appropriate platform or channel preferred by that generation, you’ve undoubtedly spent time and money with little return. An example of this would be sending out emails to a massive list of email addresses when targeting potential Gen Z customers. While Gen Z undoubtedly have email addresses, reaching them directly via text or a messaging app will unquestionably bring far better results. By engaging your target audience through a channel they are more comfortable on, you are far more likely to get a positive response.

Using Generational Segmentation In Your Marketing

The first step is to consider the audience you wish to target. Could the demographics fit one specific age group or do you need to segment into different generations?

Next, consider the channels you plan to use. Are you going to use social media, email marketing, or search and\ or display ads? Which of these best resonates with the generation or generations you are targeting? 

Social media can be broken down into generations as well. Older users typically gravitate toward Facebook and Twitter, while younger users are more apt to be found on Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. While you can target specific age demographics on most social media platforms, being on a platform less frequented by the generational segment your targeting can bring lackluster results.

Lastly, messaging is critical. If you are targeting a specific generation, make sure you are using the proper tone and lingo to resonate with your audience. Engaging each generation with the speech and terminology that age group identifies with offers comfort, familiarity, and, ultimately, trust.

Seek the Help of a Marketing Expert

Targeting very specific demographics across a wide variety of channels and platforms can be daunting. If you need help, seeking the help and advice of a professional marketer can actually save you money in the long run. Advertising is expensive so each mistake can not only waste time but money! If you would like to talk to one of our marketing experts, please give us a call or reach out via our webform. We’re here to help! 

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