In Blog

Okay, that’s a bit dramatic. Now, don’t go and sell your domain, delete that site you spent good money to build and trash years of analytics that (admit it) you’ve been watching over like a sleeping newborn. Your website is still the hub of a many-spoked wheel-thanks to the advent of Web 2.0-where people go to get in-depth information about the core of your business.

However, for the average business, the webspace it takes up is no longer encompassed by the website alone. For some businesses today’s website may account for only a fraction of a web “footprint.” More than ever, consumers are looking to social networks, blogs and other Web 2.0 satellites of your site to find out if they want to invest in your business.

If you’ve attended any seminars recently, then this most likely isn’t news to you. However, there’s a new buzzword afoot that suggests the Internet has already leveled up.

“Web 3.0” is a term that’s recently surfaced among technology experts. Though its formal definition has yet to be pinpointed, Web 3.0 looks to the future of the web as an experience tailor-made to the individual user. While it makes an even further departure from static webpages, one of its main functions is to give people access to exactly what they need, exactly when they need it, with absolute ease and mobility. It facilitates the bridging of cyberspace with reality.

This can translate to something as simple as search engines that generate results from complex sentences, and extends to the stuff of science fiction like wristwatch computers and three-dimensional web browsing. For your business, it means translating traffic on your website to foot traffic through your door.

This also means that people will plug into a shrinking number of websites for information, causing your business’ web footprint to splinter further. Fortunately, the following remains true: Although the Internet as we know it changes rapidly, developers are creating software to navigate, manage and harness it just as fast. There are tools out there to make the pieces of your web footprint cohesive. Coming soon on Channel Blink;Tech, we’ll show you some of these them and how they work.

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