“Hole Sponsor” of 10/5 VFW Men’s Aux Golf Outing, 10/52016-03-282016-04-21https://www.blink-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/blink-tech-logotype.pngBlink Tech - Web Design, Web Development, and Internet Marketinghttps://www.blink-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/blink-tech-logotype.png200px200px
VFW Men's Auxilliary Golf Outing
Blink;Tech is proud to be a “Hole Sponsor” for the Sarasota Men’s Auxiliary of VFW Post #3233 Golf Outing. The fourth annual event raised $14,000 of support for Community Haven to benefit people with disabilities in Sarasota.